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This is my journey. This is what I see. I am a wife, a mother, an artist. I am on His path.

Monday, September 10, 2012

read the small print


Okay....we are nearing the middle of September and my luck is not doing great.....please God, I really need to catch a break about now.

I decided I needed to stay home and catch up on some of the chores I have been meaning to do for a very loooooooong time.

Today was going to be a glass washing day.
My light fixtures through out the house have a haze.
Yep.....we are gonna wash.

I finally got my kitchen chandelier apart.....
.....started to wash the glass and.....


The paint washed off......the PAINT!

looking at the photo, I can see it is painted....
I guess I should have taken a picture first?
I picked the glass for the beautiful Tuscan feel to it.
The warm ambiance cast by the lovely yellow in the glass.......

I called the company where I purchase the light fixture six years ago.  After looking up the information, the fine print reads, "glass is texturized with color"........"do not wash."

Why in the world would you sell a chandelier for a kitchen with glass that you cannot wash? The sales person did not know, but told me they don't order much from this company anymore....hmmm, that is a no brainer!

My option?  New replacements in the same glass run $40 each. And who in the world has $120 for glass in this economy??  And again.....why would I replace the glass with the same thing that I cannot wash??

My tears removed the remainder of the yellow paint...
....and I rehung the glass.....

.....so for now....I have frosted glass on my chandelier.  The incandescent bulbs, I can still buy, for now, give it a warm glow while on, but with no light....they are white.

Do I dare wash the next light fixture????

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