About Me

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This is my journey. This is what I see. I am a wife, a mother, an artist. I am on His path.

Sunday, October 20, 2013


I know....it has been forEVER!

If I only had an extra four hours in a day, I might accomplish everything on my list.  Yes, I have lists.

Lists of art that needs to be done.
Lists of chores.
Lists of bills.
Lists of appointments.
Lists of to do's.
Lists of school work...mine and Man Child's.
Lists of meetings.

I have my alarm set every morning, but there is 3:18 AM ... again.

I am surviving.
I am accomplishing what needs to be done.

I am looking for a rainbow.

....... and I am ready to cross one thing off my list.

I am presenting at the Lutheran Educator's Association Convocation this Friday in Milwaukee.  Two Classes.  Slides are done.  Boxes are packed.

I still have a:

List of supplies to double check.
List for packing.
List for groceries before I go.

I hope for a relaxing - and educational - experience this week.  I am hoping to kick back a little......

....and maybe....

I won't make lists for four days while I am in Milwaukee.