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This is my journey. This is what I see. I am a wife, a mother, an artist. I am on His path.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

The Road Well Traveled 2013 - 2.0 Day Two - We're Off!

Late to bed - early to rise.

Yep, that's my motto!  I am not quite sure how my room mates tolerated my tap, tap, tapping on the keyboard at 5:30 in the morning, but I heard no complaints.

We started moving....I drank all the coffee.....I had to get coffee from the lobby.....we ate pancakes...

Side-note:  Have you stayed at a Holiday Inn Express lately?  They have a cool machine called a Popcake Machine that makes a pancake in 90 seconds...yum!

Let's fill the tank, set the odometer to zero and get this day started!

...and we're off!  Look at that gorgeous sky!

We got underway and set out in search for an elusive creature that all the locals talk about.

Not cheese....I just couldn't resist sticking this in here.

 We were off to Rhinelander and in search of the.....


He turned out to be quite friendly and lovable.

Giving hugs.

Look how nice those choppers are...he must brush his teeth.

Oh, the love.

Stella and I loaded up on Hodag treasures.

Let me tell you though, that Hodag hat gave me Hodag hair! Maybe that is why the Hodag comes across all cranky...it's just having a bad hair day!

Louise even got in the spirit of the Hodag and got a tattoo!

 Stella and I thought she should have that spot checked later.  It looked like it could  be (whispering) "cansa" (this is my bad reference to one of my favorite movies - Brighton Beach Memoirs. Watch it if you haven't seen it!)

So much fun....

We set off for our next location and ran across this sign:

...and also saw this.  We had to turn around and get a picture because I could not stop laughing.

It makes you wonder why someone would choose that hospital when there are tombstones lined up along the side wall.  Crack me up...

Tune in tomorrow for the whole reason for our trip.....the reason we chose Wisconsin for our Roadside Adventures.  See you then!

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